Monday, March 1, 2010


We're currently in 5th place out of god knows how many entries, so every vote counts! I'm normally not into these online voting type deals because I think they are BS, but this one's actually legit. It's easy to sign in and register if you have a facebook, just click the "Connect with Facebook" button. THE WHOLE THING TAKES 30 SECONDS TO DO! PLEASE DO IT ONCE A DAY!

ONE MORE TIME: This is going to be the only thing of it's kind on the east coast, and will be about an hour away from Philadelphia and NYC! It's win/win for everyone!

Here's all the offical wordings from Pepsi:


Click on the link and then register. Then just vote on the skate plaza. You get 10 votes everyday you go onto the site to distribute to whatever 10 different projects you want to support. The Skateplaza is in the running for $250,000.

* To establish a world class skate plaza in Bethlehem.
* To provide a safe venue for action sports enthusiasts.
* To attract an average of 150-200 skaters/BMXer's per day.
* To strengthen community partnerships & positive well-being of the City

This grant would mean full completion of Phase 1 of the skateplaza PLUS a good chunk of money in the bank to help complete phase 2 sooner."