Monday, October 6, 2008


Our crew was me, Shiner, Jarrett, Clifford and Ivan. We left about 2 hours after the big van crew left.

first stop: dorm o- rama

picked up Ivan and hit the road

found that on here when i got home

me and ivan had a lottery ticket thing going for a bit, but thankfully that died very quickly

shiner bought dice, and cee-lo was on

shiner can only eat fries

first juggalo sighting, there would be 5 in the end

shiner wrote "Show tuts" and had to improvise. looked like Beavis wrote that.

After 7 or 8 hours on the road and many stories of childhood past, we met up with the crew at Powell skatepark

this place was slightly downhill, but designed so well that no matter what, you'd end back up at the top without pushing. seriously amazing.

philthy was behind the lens most of the trip

v was trying to not be so obvious about the beers, you should have seen this shuffle on the way over toward the bowl

shiner got the dice out

phil walks up and goes "who wants to lose some fucking money"

some kids brought that in

guess what? shiner got the dice out again

Turns out this really was John Mccain, he was in Columbus that day. strange.



got a campsite, turned out to be like 4 bucks a head.

set up tent city

big ass frisbee circle

hahahaha gary

skate. brush. destroy.

everyone was getting their canon powershots adjusted to take the best low light pictures

i didn't do so hot

Dustin had his front porch set up, and it was time to go to sleep for the night

more to come tomorrow