Thursday, June 19, 2008

rune is gnarly

I got locked out of my house the other morning, due to being in a hurry when I originally left. Left with no other options, I resorted to going to the only 24 hour thing near me, Wegmans.

I got Hornswaggled by the man himself.

Set up shop upstairs, with enough magazines to last for 4 and a half hours.

Rune Glifberg is fucking gnarly! Shralp the Love Bowl? fuck.

Guy, switch crook? fuck.

Nylon is the worst magazine.

Pensyl, front side disaster to straight wallride back down, fucking retarded.

Wish those were half cabs Rihanna is wearing, those would be sick.

4 and and a half hours later

this wasn't there when i worked there


Brett said...

i thought the Love Bowl was leveled. guess not. regardless, that is fucking sick.